Paulo Sbutoni
A Creative Problem Solving and innovation consultant, Paulo Sbuttoni specialises in the design and delivery of programmes in innovative thinking, leadership development and creative climate development. He is also founder and board member of the highly successful CREA European creativity conference which runs every year in Sestri Levanti in Italy.
In his early career he spent 20 years in advertising as a copywriter and creative director. He is a senior associate facilitator with Create. Express. and also works as a Professor for Creativity Techniques in Advertising Theory and Techniques at the IULM University in Milan.
He is a Certified FourSight Advanced Trainer since 2009 and regularly presents at international business conferences on leadership, creativity and innovation. He is a highly experience, engaging and energising facilitator who brings fizz to any event he is involved in. Currently based in Milan, Paulo is fluent in Italian, English and French.